Sunday, 26 April 2009

25/04 back on nest ledge face due to wind change and Goldfinch at dusk


  1. Another beautiful, set of photos Colin. The goldfinch reminded of my childhood in Hampshire. We used to get a great many "charms" of finches visiting the wild part of our garden, feasting on thistle seeds - but a mixture flying together; chaffinches, goldfinches and greenfinches.

  2. Thanks Roger,The bird life in the city centre is quite diverse, not perhaps that one would expect.

  3. Great pictures as always. A good looking female goldfinch

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Looks like you know your Goldfinches, do you sex them like me. With their red masks falling short or flush with the back of the eye, while the males red mask runs pass the eye.

  6. Yes and another way to sex them is the beak. The female's is short and proportioned. While the male's is more reach deeper in the thistle for seeds as the males bring 80% of the food for the young

  7. Thanks phlp_farrugia, you learn something every day.

    On a different subject, Colin I prefer your picture of Barry than Grahams W's (on the DP blog). It has more feel about it.

    Hope to see you soon.
