Friday, 17 April 2009

Falcon has to catch her own tea

Arrived down at the Catherdral at about 6.15 pm. Andy was already there and he explained that I had justed missed the falcon come in with her tea. We watched her plume and tuck into her meal, at the top of the Catherdral. Should have been a good view from the pudding cam.

She then took a good rest up top, and then finally dropped down to the tray to relieve the tiercel, who seemed reluctant to give up incubation for a moment. He gave way and left, and then settled up top for a brief moment before taking off, to dissapear for about an hour, as darkness started to fall he returned to take watch. I found it interesting that the falcon had to catch her own meal tonight.


  1. I think you have too much time on your hands. Very nice blog though Colin. I will keep watching. See you soon. Jon

  2. Gives me something to do during the period I can not move far from home. And who knows I might just be able to type with two fingers if I keep it up. Look forward to seeing you soon.

  3. Exellent blog colin well done, well ill see you down at the cathedral again tonight around six. kind regards Andy.

  4. Tiercel had at least a 2 1/2 hour stint of incubation. He was sitting when I checked the web cam about 6am this morning. Popped down to the Catherdral, Andy had been there since 5.45am. We witnesed the change over around 8.45am. He does his share :)

  5. Well i have just about recovered from my much earlier than usual trip down to the catheral this morning. Although it was still very cold and rather dull at that un-godly hour it was still lovely to listen to the dawn chorus and see quite a variety of different birds all going about thier early morning chores that most of us dont normally get to see! Well nice to see the sun finally come out today. See you later colin hope you to managed to catch up on some sleep. Andy.

  6. Hi colin Andy again well you missed it all again last night at the cathedral at 5.50pm the falcon came in again carrying what looked like a pigeon, seems to like hunting around that time of day, strange that it was the facon doing the hunting again and not the male. After she feed they did a change over but the female stood on the tray for a good ten minutes or so, the male seemed in no rush to come of the eggs.Strange behavior? regards Andy.
