Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Pretty quiet time

Not a lot really happening, The tiercel seems keen to incubate and has been doing quite long stints.

He also seems to spend a long time away as well. At the moment both the falcon and the tiercel seem to favour the side of the Catherdral on Irongate coming up from the city centre, to take thier meals and rest. Which overlook another nesting family???


  1. Tiercel had a good stint of incubation reluctant to give up sitting 12.04 pm 21/04

  2. 12.15 PM they finally change over

  3. That explains why I did not see any at 06:30am this morning. I'm on the wrong side!

  4. Nice to see you are out and about early, they seem to favour the corner towards the nest ledge coming up from Irongate at the moment.

  5. Tiercel incubating when check the web cam
    9.30 am 23/04/
